What is the sum of the GCF and LCM of 25 and 80?

To answer "What is the sum of the GCF and LCM of 25 and 80?", you need to know the GCF of 25 and 80, the LCM of 25 and 80, and the meaning of sum.

The GCF of 25 and 80 means the Greatest Common Factor of 25 and 80 which is 5. The LCM of 25 and 80 means the Least Common Multiple of 25 and 80 which is 400. Sum is the result you get when you add two numbers together.

Now that we have all the pieces, we can calculate the answer to the sum of the GCF and LCM of 25 and 80 as follows:

5 + 400 = 405

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