The first 5 even numbers range from 2 to 10. On this page, we will show you how to calculate the first 5 positive even whole numbers by using our formula.
The formula to calculate the sum of even numbers is: sum = n × ( n + 1) where n is the even numbers. When we enter 5 into our formula, we get the following:
5 × (5 + 1)
= 30
Therefore, the sum of the first 5 even numbers is 30.
Be aware that we consider 2 to be the first positive even number. If you consider 0 to be the first positive even number, then the answer to the sum of the first 5 even numbers would be 20.
Note that the sum of the first 5 even numbers is not the same as the sum of all even numbers up to 5. The sum of all even numbers from 1 to 5 inclusive is 6.
Sum of Even Numbers Calculator
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