What is 65 plus 8 percent?

What is 65 plus 8 percent (65 plus 8%)? Simply put, what do you get if you add 8 percent to 65? Here we will show you how to calculate 65 plus 8 percent using a two-step process.

Step 1) Calculate 8 percent of 65: To calculate 8 percent of 65, you multiply 8 by 65 and then divide the product you get by 100. Here is the math to illustrate:

8 x 65 = 520
520 / 100 = 5.2

Step 2) Add the 8 percent you calculated in Step 1 to 65. Here is the math to illustrate:

65 + 5.2 = 70.2

Therefore, the answer to "What is 65 plus 8 percent?" is:


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