Here you will learn how to calculate 102 plus 2 using long addition. In other words, learn how to use long addition to find the answer to 102 + 2. We will first give you step-by-step instructions, and then we will illustrate with an image what we did.
First, write 102 on top of 2, making sure to align the place values.
Then add the digits in each column from right to left, and enter the sum at the bottom of each column. If the sum of the digits in a column is greater than 9, then carry over the 1 to the next column.
Continue adding the digits in each column, carrying over as needed. That's all there is to it!
As promised above, here is an illustration showing you exactly how to calculate 102 plus 2 using long addition:

As you can see from the illustration above, the answer to 102 plus 2 is in the bottom row. The answer is 104.
Long Addition Calculator
Here you can enter another addition problem for us to explain and solve using the Long Addition Method: